Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

June 2017

Mohammad TariqueJamali

In this study we develop the dis-assembly production rate formula on the basis of production line analysis and calculate the disassembly production rate as well as disassembly lead time. This formula and calculation is useful for designing the...

Mohamed Saied, M.M.

Aim: This study was performed to unmask the hematological and biochemical alterations occurred in blood and serum of infected buffaloes, respectively. Material & Method: A total of 50 blood and serum samples were collected from infected as...

Dnyandev C. Talule and Guruprasad R. Naik

The Mining has been playing an important role in the economy of Goa. It is foreign exchange earner for the country and contributor both to the state exchequer and the GSDP of Goa before the post Shah Commission ban was imposed in Sept. 2012....

Ahmed Kiani

The United Arab Emirates is clearly facing a multitude of challenges in curbing its greenhouse gas emissions to meet its pre-allotted framework of Kyoto protocol and COP21 targets due to its hunger for modernization, industrialization,...

Teka Bogale and Aknaw Hailemariam

This paper applies the fifth order Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method for solving nonlinear first orderinitial value problem. The proposed method is quite efficient and practically well suited for solving these problems. In order to verify the accuracy...

Tsiuri M. Ramishvili, Vladimer G. Tsitsishvili, Nino G. Kokiashvili, Vakhtang M. Gabunia and Natia M. Inanashvili

The solvent-free o-esterification of salicylic acid (SA) with the acetic acid anhydride (AAA) in the acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) was studied over the modified clinoptilolite (CL) and heulandites: natural heulandite itself (HEU) and monomineral...

Mohammed, S. S. D., Ndalati, A.G., Wartu, J.R., Afangide, C.S. and Aigbogun, E.I.

The mycological assessments of postharvest rot of irish potato from selected market within Kaduna metropolis, Nigeria were carried out. Fifteen (15) tubers of irish potato showing symptom of rot were collected from (4) four different market,...


An industry can have a, more or less important, effect on the economy, in terms of additional value added and created employment opportunities. A variation in the production of a given industry can be caused by a variation in the final demand of...

Prof. Dr. Iwasan D. Kejawa

Nearly thousands of scientific experiments are performed both on humans and animals every year in the United States (Gregory, 1999). Does Science enormously play a role in the wellbeings of individual in the society? Research has found that...

Mahmoud Hyder, Mohammed A. Alkreem and Ahmed Abukonna

Pediatric radiography is a challenging procedure from the perspective of radiation dosage. Children are approximately ten times more sensitive to radiation-induced cancer than middle-aged adults and three times more sensitive than the population...

Bezabih Bagaje, Yadessa Melaku and Tegene Dessalegn

Phytochemical screening result of the methanol and ethyl acetate extracts of the leaves of Ehretia cymosa (Borginaceae) revealed the presence of alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids, terpenes and steroids. Phenolics were detected neither in the...

Jorge Jagger Segura Ochoa, Jaime Wilfrido Aldaz Cárdenas, Rigoberto Fimia Duarte, Juan Ramón García Díaz, Jenny Janeth Segura Ochoa, Rafael Armiñana García Nancy Guadalupe Aldaz Cárdenas and César Augusto Barberán Barberán

The objective of the investigation consisted on determining the epidemic clinical incidence of the Distemper canine in mongrel dogs infested with the stump VDC SA3 in the Guaranda Canton, Bolívar Province, Ecuador. The investigation was developed...

Mohd Shuaib Siddiqui and Dr. Aftab Alam

Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stake holders. According to Kotlar...

Himanshu Khutan, Pragati Grover, Shipra Galhotra, Monica Arora and Vidhi SINGLA

The incidence of cryptococcal infection is high in developing countries like as in India. Cryptococcal meningitis is considered rare in immunocompetent patients and is mainly a disease of immunocompromised patients. Cryptococcal meningitis in...

Amber Francis, Tracy Carpenter-Aeby and Victor G. Aeby

North Carolina is ranked as the 10th most impoverished state for children in the US. Over 40% of the Latino populations under 18 live in poverty in eastern North Carolina. Each family member must contribute resources, playing an essential role...

Silvana Pasovska and Stevco Dimeski

Macedonia is a country where traditionally the best oriental tobaccos are grown, despite the known regions in Turkey, Izmir and the area of the Sea of Marmara, where there are environmental conditions for producing quality oriental tobaccos....

Uma Shanker Singh

Forests have been an integral part of any biological ecosystem and it has been damaged to the level that now it is not only important for our revival but it’s a question of our survival. The deforestation is a major problem worldwide on account...

Zhipeng Lin, Le Chen, Jingfu Shan and Qianjun Sun

The planform migration architecture is the basis for the reconstruction and restoration of the sedimentary evolution of the paleochannel, as well as the premise for forecasting the migration trend of the river. This paper aims to figure out the...

Yazdani, N. Ph.D., Narasimha Alimeneti, P. E. and Tanvir Manzur, Ph.D.

Carbon nanotubes (CNT) and nanofibers (CNF) are among the toughest and stiffest materials discovered to date. Their use in cement composites is not wide spread yet and is of great interest. In this study, some important physical and mechanical...

Ravikumar, V. and Vijayakumar, R.

Vibrioinfections are becoming increasingly common worldwide. Pathogenic Vibrio’s cause 3 major syndromes of clinical illness: gastroenteritis, wound infection and septicemia. Vibrio alginolyticus is a natural host estuarine and coastal waters as...

Shelly Garg, Dr. Luxita Sharma and Dr. Puneeta Ajmera

The objective of this study is to find the widespread prevalence of the disease across the world along with its causes, people who all are affected and results of this disease. Jaundice is most severe in Asian male babies along with the Native...

Nidal H. Abu-Hamdeh, Saleh M. Ismail, Samir G. Al-Solaimani and Randa I. Hatamleh

A field experiment was carried out at Agriculture Research Station of King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia to study the effect of fine particles, tillage system, and polyacrylamide application rate on the soil penetration resistance...

Pavan Gautam and Srivastava, R. K.

Ozone concentrations are valuable indicators of possible health and environmental impacts. However, they are also used to monitor changes and trends in the sources of ozone. For this purpose, the influence of meteorological variables is a...

Kalpana Sagar and Srivastava, R. K.

Particulate pollutant gives harmful effects to our environment as well as human beings and became one of the main causes of the cultural heritage deterioration. The research is focuses on the particulates at the Jabalpur city. The BAM (Beta...

Ayman Allahham, Abdur Rashid, Alsayed fathallah, Husam Ismail, Saud Abdul Aziz and Ahmed khalaf

The objective of this study was to compare between the in traditional in vitrotesting and dissolution kinetics of selected commercial brands of ibuprofen and paracetamol tablets. Ibuprofen (400 mg/Tab) and paracetamol tablets (500 mg/Tab) from...