Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Arsenic In Groundwater And Its Health Impacts: A Case Of Ballia District, Uttar Pradesh, India

Arsenic contamination in groundwater is a global problem and about 70 countries are affected by arsenic problem. Arsenic contamination in groundwater above the permissible limit of 50 µg/L in scattered places reported from seven States, particularly in the Holocene aquifers of Ganga-Brahmaputra alluvium plains are one of the major challenges of groundwater quality hazards before the Country. The consumption of highly contaminated water is reported to disastrous effects on human. The elevated level of arsenic is causes of pigmentation in skin, skin cancer, ulcer and hardening of palm skin. The inhabitants of the affected area are unaware and the local authorities totally oblivious to this grave problem. There had been several newspaper clippings indicating that arsenic contamination in drinking water sources in the Ballia district of Uttar Pradesh is creating hardship for the local people and several people are suffering from arsenecosis disease. The present study tries to find out the contamination level of arsenic in groundwater and its causes and effects on human health.120 samples were collected from different sources and samples were analyzed by Econo Quick Arsenic Test kit in the field and correlated with health. After correlated with health we find that the evidence of arsenic lesions is found in that area where the contamination level is high. The results show that the Bairia Block (Ballia District) is highly contaminated and there are many people who are affected with arsenical skin lesions. Most of the people suffering from arsenicosis, they belong to very poor family and their socioeconomic status is very low.

Abhishek Kumar, Malabika Biswas Roy and Prudhvi Raju, K. N.
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