Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

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Aspartate Aminotransferase -To- Platelet Ratio Index (Apri) For The Prediction Of Hepatitis C–Related Fibrosis

Background: Chronic hepatitis C is a major public health problem affecting an estimated 150 million individuals globally. About 75–85% of newly infected persons develop chronic infection and 60–70% of them develop chronic liver disease; 5–20% develops cirrhosis and 1-5% die from cirrhosis or liver cancer. Assessment of liver disease severity is recommended prior to therapy. In chronic hepatitis C (CHC), liver biopsy is the gold standard method for assessing liver histology, however it is invasive and can have complications. Objective: To determine the correlation of APRI score with the degree of histological liver fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C patients. Method: This prospective study was carried out at the Postgraduate Department of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Govt. Medical College, Srinagar, between july 2011 and july2013. A total of thirty patients of incidentally detected HCV positive patients were included. All these patients underwent liver biopsies and were evaluated according to Ishak modification for HAI for scoring necroinflammatory activity and staging. AST to Platelet Ratio Index (APRI) was calculated based on laboratory results performed on the day of liver biopsy. Results: All the patients with APRI <0.5 had Ishak staging score ≤3 whereas all the patients with APRI ≥2.5 had Ishak staging score≥4. Among patients with APRI ≤1.50 only 12.5 % had fibrosis score of ≥4 whereas among patients with APRI ≥1.5, 73.33% had fibrosis score of ≥4. A significant correlation was observed between APRI and histopathological parameters like necro-inflammatory score, Staging (modified Ishak) and cirrhosis with p value of 0.019, 0.000 and 0.03 respectivelly. Conclusion: APRI ≤0.50 rules out significant fibrosis whereas APRI ≥1.51 suggests significant fibrosis. APRI, a simple model incorporating readily available laboratory data is highly predictive of significant fibrosis in HCV infected patients.

Shah NA, Chauhan Imran, Kadla SA, Irfan Ali, Asif iqbal, Afroza Jan, Muzafar Bindroo and Sakshi Sharma
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