Call for Papers : Volume 15, Issue 10, October 2024, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Bio fertilisation du riz : efficacité d’un ingrédient actif naturel (biostimulant)-un champignon mycorhizien sur le rendement du riz de plateau en côte d’ivoire

In Côte d'Ivoire, stakes in food security are enormous for rice. The present study, which discusses about effect of rice mycorrhization, is a contribution to ricebiological fertilization. Study compared incidence of intake of a mycorrhizal inoculant "AGTIV" to mineral fertilization, on soil, growth and development parameters of upland rice, in the West part of Côte d’Ivoire. In order to assess the efficiency of these two fertilization methods, an unfertilized control treatment was integrated in the experimental device, a Fisher Block with six repetitions. Results obtained show that the rice plant lends itself well to mycorrhizal symbiosis with Glomus intraradices fungus. This symbiotic association has contributed to the maintenance of the soil structure and favored the transport of mineral nutrients, especially phosphorus to the rice plant. This significantly improved tillering (147.5 tillers/m²) and yield (1.62 t ha-1) of rice. The yields are better as mycorrhizae are combined with mineral fertilizers (2.36 tha-1), for a gain of 64%. It is therefore not excluded, in the presence of mycorrhizal fungi, to bring fertilizers (organic or mineral) to rice, since the soil is not an inexhaustible resource of nutrients. In short, mycorrhization appears to be a powerful biological tool for optimizing sustainable soil management and rice yields.

Frank BAHAN, Francis Gustave MESSOUM, Alphonse BOUET, Delphine DEKEISTER, Fabrice BARRAUD, Jules Zagbahi KELI, Amoncho ADIKO and François BLE
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