Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Biolubricant Production from Vegetable oil Through Transesterification using Catalyst: A Review

Depletion of crude oil reservoirs around the world increased the costs of crude oil, and also the issues related to the environment seemed to be an emerging problem with the potential to shape human lives in profound ways. These problems are perhaps in great need of attention from the researchers to find an alternative way to build a sustainable environment. Many current articles focus on vegetable-based lubricants which are eco-friendly, biodegradable, renewable, and sustainable and have gained popularity and are accepted globally. Therefore, vegetable-based lubricant has become a potential alternative to conventional petro-based lubricant. Vegetable-basedlubricants are not widely commercialized due to their inappropriate chemical structure which leads to poor oxidative stability, poor corrosion protection, susceptibility to hydrolytic breakdown, solidification at low temperatures, poor flow, and poor viscosity index which lags them during application in odd conditions. The challenge in this field of study is to improve the above-mentioned properties and characteristics of vegetable oil without degrading their excellent tribological and environmentally applicable properties. The structural problem related to vegetable oil can be overcome by chemical modification to make it fit for the application of lubricant. Parameters like temperature, catalyst concentration, duration, and methanol oil ratio are necessary to obtain a better yield. The final ester obtained depends on the nature of alcohol and the use of a catalyst becomes necessary when the alcohol used is a complex type.

Leiyami Ahungshi, Anjana Dhar and Mainul Hoque
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Journal Area: 
Physical Sciences and Engineering