Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Characteristics of local goat farmers in Tolitoli District

This research is a type of survey research. Sampling and location determination were determined intentionally (purposive sampling), namely the District of North Dampal (Simatang Island), Ogodeide District (Kabetan Island) Basidondo District (Kayu Lompa Village) and Lampasio District Lampasio Village in Tolitoli Regency. Data sources consist of primary and secondary data, primary data obtained through observation, secondary data obtained from several documents and written reports owned by several related agencies, such as the Livestock and Plantation Service Office, Agricultural Counselling Agency, Central Statistics Bureau and village government. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. Observations were made through direct observation of the research object, while interviews with research respondents were carried out in a structured manner using the help of a questionnaire that had been prepared previously. Observation parameters consisted of the age of the breeder, the experience of the breeder, the number of livestock, the level of education in the maintenance system. The data collected is analyzed qualitatively and descriptively. The collected data is identified and displayed in the form of frequency and percentage tables and then interpreted and analyzed using descriptive analysis techniques. The results showed that the characteristics of breeders in Tolitoli district in terms of age are in the productive age range of age less than 60 years, the level of education is dominated by junior high school level, the average experience of breeding is under 10 years, the number of livestock owned is less than 10, the housing system of the colony system. The business scale is an additional business for family income, at any time can be sold for additional income, or slaughtered for the benefit of customs, the characteristics of experience trying to have a close relationship with the number of animals owned.

Fajar Syadik and Salawati
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