Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

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Decision suppor for selection of system analyst in industry 4.0 generation era using: mcdm-ahp and promethee elimination methods

The process of developing information systems in the industrial 4.0 era is a necessity that needs to be done to follow even to maintain the existence of the company even to defeat the competitor companies in the current digital era. Now many large companies can not develop because they do not rely on good information technology in running their companies, even small scale companies are able to develop and defeat large scale companies. System analyst is a work to develop a company system that is able to maintain and improve the company's progress towards its competitors, so the strong question is how to find out the recruitment of system analysts in the selection process can be well known, so as to produce human resources in the field of systems analysts really have competencies in accordance with what is needed. A method that can be done is to do a combination of two methods that can be used to conduct a selection of reliable human resource recruitment, namely the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the Promethee elimination method. AHP can be used to measure the weights of each criterion needed and Promethee Elimination can be used to determine the highest selection weights to prioritize.

Akmaludin Akmaludin, Cepi Cahyadi, Herman Kuswanto, Taufik Rahman, Adjat Sudradjat and Ellin Panca Saputra
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