Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Design of device for spectral induced polarization laboratory measurements in geophysics exploration

Laboratory experiments to study the induced polarization (IP) phenomenon on natural and artificial samples are of great importance as they can explain on the cause and nature of the phenomenon. IP method has been the most successful in mining exploration, particularly in the search for metal oxide and sulphide mineralizations. The Spectral Induced Polarization or Complex Impedance Method is essentially a multi-frequency version of IP. The basic techniques for measuring complex impedance are amplitude voltage measurement, current measurement and phase difference detection between voltage and current as function of frequency. The device consist of two main part, the transmitter and receiver. Transmitter transmits sinus wave current with frequency varied automatically from 0,1 Hz to 1000 Hz. In order to improve the accuracy of the device, the high impedance differential instrumentation amplifier are used in the receiver. The outputs from voltage amplifier and current amplifier are sent to data logger. Experimental measurement on RC circuits were carried out to prelimininary evaluate the performance of the device. Different type of ore bodies can be distinguished based on typical shapes of their spectral IP responses. The result obtained by the device were found to be in good agreement with the teoretical computation obtained on RC circuits. Overall mean error of 2 % in magnitude and 0,7o in phase over frequency range of 0,1 Hz to 1000 Hz. The largest error in phase measurement occured at low frequency below 1 Hz.

Suparwoto, Kirbani, Ari Setiawan and Agus Kuncaka
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