Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

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Determinants influencing retailers perception towards new growth engine developed by soft drink manufacturers – a case study in odisha

This report has been prepared with a specific purpose in mind. It outlines the soft drink industry and retailer’s behavior towards the supply chain management process of soft drink manufacturers. This study is about the new growth of engine introduced by one of the largest soft drink manufacturer in Indian market targeting bottom of the pyramid segment. Therefore the researcher tried to explore the determinants influencing retailer’s behavior towards those new growths of engine. The main objective of this project report is to analyze and study in efficient way the current position of newly introduced soft drink dispenser. The study also aims to perform Market Analysis of splash bar & find out different factors effecting the growth of engine. Another objective of the study was to find out the significance of the determinants influencing retailer’s behavior towards new growth of engine. Apart from these objectives the study was also conducted to find out the gaps in services provide to retailers. Considering the above objectives the research conducted an empirical study by designing a structured questionnaire and survey was done to find out the feedbacks of the retailers. Through questionnaire a qualitative study was conducted to find out the factors responsible for influencing retailer’s behavior. The factors extracted in this research are Product features and benefits, Product sales support, Product delivery support and Product innovation. Product features and benefits, Product sales support and Product innovation found to be highly significant in influencing the retailer’s behavior whereas product delivery support needs further studies.

Dhananjay Beura, Kishan Bhadra and Rameshwar Panigrahy
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