Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Distillery Spent Wash And Utility Of Fly Ash

The developing and underdeveloped countries are facing the problem of mounds of fly ash and of untreated discharge of distillery spent wash which creates a serious threat to the environment. So there is a need for low cost treatment method for spent wash while distillery spent wash can be used for irrigation purpose and adsorption can play an effective role in purification of distillery spent wash. This investigation is done to design the treatment method of distillery spent wash using Soil, Fly Ash, Activated Carbon and Wood ash and the main concern is to use fly ash for spent wash treatment. Complete work is done in the Doon International School; Dehradun, India under department of chemistry during months of September to December 2016. During study, total 33 samples were treated with different adsorbents and evaluation is done for the reduction of various physical chemical properties (pH, COD, TS, TDS, Ca, Mg, Na and K) of distillery spent wash. It is treated by passing the spent wash through the adsorbents for different time periods. Original distillery spent wash was acidic (pH 4.7) and dark black brown in color with a foul smell. Use of activated carbon and Fly ash exhibited noticeable reduction in physico chemical characteristics of spent wash after 72 hour adsorption (TS -61.50%, TDS –52.11%, COD – 45.73%, Ca –82.73%, Mg-73.99%, Na -63.75% and K -73.53%) and pH increased towards pH 7 using activated carbon + fly ash (1:1), fly ash+ wood ash (1:1). Study says that fly ash can be used successfully for this purpose. Obtained data says that mixture of activated carbon + fly ash (1:1) can be used as a low cost adsorbent for the purification of distillery spent wash thus use of fly ash in purification can reduce pollution in spent wash and fly ash disposal problem which is generally faced by thermal power plants.

Bharat Kumar, Divyanshu Nautiyal, Raghav Virmani and Prashant Singh Rawat
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