Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Effect of different pre-treatments on seed germination and watering regime on growth of adansonia digitata (linn.) seedlings

The As a result of high level of exploitation, seed dormancy as well as the scarcity of its wildings Adansonia digitata is facing a high level of endangerment. The study is set to examine the responses of Adansonia digitata L. seeds to varying pre-treatment methods and watering regimes in the nursery. The pre-treatments were control (untreated) (T1), fire treatment (T2), 60% sulphuric acid treatment (T3), 80% sulphuric acid treatment (T4), hot water treatment (T5), soaking in tepid water for 72 hours (T6), while watering regimes included: watering daily (W1), watering twice a week (W2) and watering once a week (W3). The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with 5 treatments and 4 replicates for germination study and three treatments and three replicates for watering regime study. Data was subjected to descriptive statistics of frequencies and percentages, one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and means separated by Duncan’s multiple Range test at 0.05 level of significance. Germination commenced on the 9th day after sowing for T1, T3; 10th day for T4, 14th day for T5 and 44 days for T6. Germination trend was erratic, extending over long period and seedlings exhibited heteroblasticity. Seeds soaked in 80% H2SO4effected highest germination percentage of 73.3 and seeds soaked in hot water, 63.3, 60% H2SO4 had 61.6, fire treatment 48.3, tepid water treatment 38.3 and control (untreated seeds) (33.3%). W1 supported the best growth of seedlings for height, collar girth, and number of leaves. It is recommended that 80% H2SO4 (T4) and hot water treatment (T5) should be adopted for breaking the dormancy of Adansonia digitata seeds, the latter for resource poor and the former for commercial growers. Seedlings roots are tuberous, an indication of the plant’s ability to store water and survive under water stress.

Oboho, E.G. and Ahanon, E.C.
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