Call for Papers : Volume 15, Issue 10, October 2024, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

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Effect of temperatures on the drying kinetics of hot pepper

Effect of temperatures on the drying kinetics of hot pepper drying was done using hot air oven4 lots for dying at 80,85,90 and 95ᴼC respectively to moisture content of 10 g moisture/100g dry solid, Changes in moisture content with drying time were evaluated to obtain drying curves. Drying rate curves was plotted using residual moisture/ time against the moisture contents to obtain critical moisture content (Mc) and equilibrium moisture content (Me), moisture ratio against drying time. Fick’s unsteady state plot was employed to obtain moisture diffusivity (Deff), and a plot of ln Deff against 1/T was used to obtain frequency factor (Do) and activation energy (Eₐ).The Mc 2, 3.6, 3.8, 3.8g H2O/ g dry solids; Me0.08, 0.08,0.12, 0.16g H2O/ g dry solids Deff1.95x10-08, 2.40x10-08, 2.43x10-08and 2.45x10-08m2/s for drying temperature (80,85,90 and 95ᴼC), Dₒ3.00x10-08m2/s and Ea16.53kJ/mol. Drying temperatures affects drying times the minimum energy required for drying hot pepper is 16.53kJ/mol.

Adamu, H. D., Ariahu, C. C. and Igbabul, B.D.
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