Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Effect of turmeric and ginger as natural additives in ready-to- serve beverage

The current study utilises turmeric as a natural preservative and colorant. Turmeric consists of three main components namely curcumin, demethoxy curcumin and bidemethoxy curcumin that are responsible for its bright yellow colour. Lemon strengthens the immune system and cleanses the stomach. Ginger maintains normal blood circulation, improves absorption, combats stomach discomfort and strengthens immunity. The objective of the current study was to study the effect of turmeric and ginger as natural additives in juice. Fresh lemons and ginger were commercially procured from a local store and washed thoroughly. Lemon juice was extracted and filtered using a muslin cloth. Ginger extract was prepared with water in the ratio 2:1 and filtered using a muslin cloth. The Control (C) was formulated using lemon juice (10%), water (80%) and sugar (10%). 0.15% of turmeric was the constant amount added to all the experimental trials, increasing which led to impalatability. Lemon ginger juice was formulated in three variations, with varying concentrations of ginger extract (V1-5%, V2-10% and V3-15%). The most acceptable variation was evaluated based on physicochemical, microbial and sensory characteristics. Sensory analysis revealed that V3 was more acceptable than V1 and V2. Physicochemical analysis of V3 revealed pH of 2.70±0.02 and titratable acidity of 0.39±0.004%. Reducing sugars content was found to be 12.5% and total sugars content was 4.25±0.08%. The total soluble solids content was 1.3485ºbrix. It was noted that the colour of the variations was more appealing than the control. Microbial tests revealed that the microbial growth was lesser in V3 than control. The experimental had a shelf life of 25 days when kept at 4°C without the addition of any chemical preservatives. Thus, turmeric can be used as an efficient natural preservative in increasing the shelf life and as a natural colorant in ready to serve beverages.

Anjana, R., Akshaya, S. and Usha Ravi
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