Call for Papers : Volume 15, Issue 10, October 2024, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Effect of weed management on growth and yield components of irrigated blackgram

Field experiments were conducted during 2011 and 2012 in Annamalai University, using blackgram varieties “ADT 5” and “ADT 3” in Randomized Block Design(RBD) with eight treatments and three replications. The treatments comprised of T1 – Unweeded check, T2 – Twice Hand weeding (15 and 30 DAS), T3 – Pendimenthalin 1.0 kgha-1 as pre-emergence application on 3 DAS, T4 – Quizalofop-ethyl 62.5 gha-1 as post-emergence application on 20 DAS, T5-Imazethapyr 75gha-1 as post-emergence on 20 DAS, T6 – Quizalofop-ethyl 31.2 gha-1+ Imazethapyr 37.5 gha-1 as post-emergence application on 20 DAS, T7– Pendimenthalin 1.0 kgha-1 as pre-emergence application on 3 DAS + Imazethapyr 75gha-1 as post-emergence on 20 DAS and T8 – Pendimethalin 1.0 kgha-1 as pre-emergence on 3 DAS+Quizalofop-ethyl 62.5gha-1 as post-emergence on 20 DAS, Significant influence on growth, yield components and yield of black gram were observed in both the cropping season. Higher grain yield (1003 kg ha-1 and 1175kg ha-1) were recorded in twice hand weeding (T2) and statistically on par with Pendimethalin 1.0 kgha-1 as pre-emergence on 3 DAS + Imazethapyr 75gha-1 as post-emergence on 20 DAS(T7). Unweeded check recorded the least grain yield in both the season.

Kandasamy, S
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