Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

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Effectiveness of yoga therapy on urogenital symptoms among menopausal women residing in selected villages at namakkal district

Studying Menopause is a universal reproductive phenomenon. Increases in life expectancies mean that women are spending longer periods of their life in a hypo estrogenic state. Objectives: To assess the effectiveness of Yoga therapy on Urogenital symptoms among menopausal women. Materials and Methods: A True experimental research design where pre and post test with control group was used. Samples: Menopausal women with menopausal symptoms at Namakkal (Dt). Multistage sampling technique was used to select the villages and Simple random sampling technique was used to select the samples. MRS (Menopause Rating Scale) was used to assess the level of menopausal symptoms. Results: The post test mean score for yoga was 19.29 % in experimental group whereas in control group 51% showing the difference of 32%. Paired‘t’ test score for urogenital symptoms was 24.95 in experimental group showing the significant effectiveness of yoga therapy. Unpaired‘t’ test score was 16.7 for yoga therapy. Conclusion: There was no significant association between post test urogenital symptoms scores in both groups. It concluded that Yoga therapy was effective in reducing the urogenital symptoms among menopausal women.

Jayadeepa, T., Dr. Muthulakshmi, P., Dr. Kayalvizhi, E. and Dr. Malarvizhi, A.
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