This study shows the effect of vitamin A deprivation in the epithelial tissues of the intestine of Paratelphusa spinigera, a fresh water crab. Histological studies were conducted both in control or normal and vitamin A –deficient crabs. The administration of vitamin A –deficient diet was continued for 90-95 days and chronological studies were done at 30-35 days, 60-65 days and 90-95 days and the histopathological changes were analyzed. Gradual degeneration of mucous glands leading to metaplasia and keratinization of columnar epithelial cells to squamous type, atrophy of villi with congestion of blood vessels in the serosal layer were observed in acute deficiency of vitamin A. These results also suggest that a decrease in the level of vitamin A may have a detrimental effect on the intestinal epithelium of the crab.