Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Effects of different nitrogen levels on yield and yield components of dry land wheat cultivars

In order to investigate effects of different nitrogen levels on yield and yield components of dry land wheat cultivars, an experiment was carried out at factorial in randomized complete blocks design with three replications at Shirvan dry land research station in 2012-2013. The studied treatment was wheat cultivars in four levels including (Rasad, Sabalan, Cross Sabalan and Azar 2) and nitrogen fertilizer rate in four levels including (0, 25, 50 and 75 kg/ha). Results showed that cultivar and nitrogen effect was significant on yield and yield components. Azar 2 cultivar had the highest grain yield (2.5 ton/ha) and the lowest grain yield was produced for Cross Sabalan equal to 1.8 ton/ha. With increase nitrogen application yield was increased but has not significant different between 50 and 75 kg N ha-1. As, in between yield components except number of spike per m2 other yield components had highest correlation with grain yield. Azar 2 cultivar was the most number of grain per spike and 1000 grain weight. Cross Sabalan cultivar was the maximum number of spike per m2. With increase of nitrogen use number of spike per m2 and number of grain per spike had increased but 1000 grain weight has non-significant on nitrogen fertilizer levels. As, harvest index and biological yield had increase with increase in grain yield.

Bavar, M., Heidari Sharif Abad, H. and Gh. Noormohamadi
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