Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

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An Empirical Assessment Of The Participatory Model Of Rural Sustainability: Tracing The Roots Of Inspiration To The Central Government Policy Aiming To Develop One Ideal Village Per Parliamentary Constituency

The adoption of the concept of an ideal village model consisting of village level identical archaeology, local level planning of the economy, equality based social system, maintenance of socio-economic health, significance of the village parliament, democratic decision making and the provision of merit public goods through decentralized planning is not new to Indian society. It is observed that sustained upwards economic mobility, full employment and inclusive growth of the rural society demand concerted efforts and disciplined planning and implementation at micro level with locally available resources. Maharashtra is one of the leading states in experimenting with the model of micro-level participatory inclusive economic transformation with diversified employment opportunities at village level through an ideal village model, a state with the background of twenty out of thirty districts covering twenty thousand villages (20000) classified as drought stricken. Basically, the model is an outcome of village level efforts based on local leadership combined with strict democratic discipline and decentralized economic planning at the village micro-level. Several villages in the state have followed the model of sustained micro level upward economic transformation, inclusive of all based on the experiment carried out in Ralegan Siddhi, a model which was initiated by Shri. Anna Hazare in 1975. The villages under present study have planned the process of upward economic mobility by way of the use of locally available resources and wiped out poverty through increase in income and generation of employment opportunities through farm and non farm sector. The main objective of the ideal village model had been to bring about economic changes on sustainable basis as prescribed by economic theory of development, which included change in cropping pattern and crop intensity, increase in agricultural production and productivity, improvement in underground water table through natural recharge of aquifers, eradication of poverty, employment generation, gender and social equality, environment conservation, a-forestation, use of non conventional energy, agro based allied employment opportunities, education, social understanding, savings and capital formation at village micro level. Present paper is based on the village level empirical study of two such villages i.e. Ralegaon Siddhi and Hivare Bajar located in Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra. The villages which earlier were purely rain fed - drought stricken and poverty and unemployment-ridden, now stand as prosperous villages with full employment and with almost no incidence of poverty realized through upward socio-economic mobility of all village-level economic variables that too on sustainable basis. The present paper attempts to explore socio-economic transformations with full employment at rural micro level assuring inclusive growth of village communities for over a period of about four and two and a half decade respectively in Ralegan Siddhi and twenty years in Hivare Bajar is based on primary data obtained from 319 households consisting of 55.55 per cent of the total households of these two villages.

Dnyandev Talule and Suvarna Suryanshi
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