Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 02, February 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

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Factors influencing adoption of money marker pump technology and its impacts on household food security status in Bondo-sub county-Kenya

Food insecurity remains a major challenge in the marginal areas of Western Kenya which is mainly inhabited by the small holder farmers due to unpredictable rainfall patterns and frequent droughts. The money maker pump technology was launched in October 1998 in response to a demand by farmers for a pump that can push water uphill as well as simply pulling it up from the source. The mission was to lift millions of people in Africa out of food insecurity in a quick, cost-effective and sustainable manner. In Bondo-Sub-county- Kenya, this technology aimed to improve farm output, increase income and consequently reduce household food insecurity among the small holder farming community. The aim of this study was to identify some of the factors influencing the adoption of this irrigation technology in the marginal areas of Bondo-sub County. The Heckman two-stage and the ordinary least square procedures were used to identify these factors and their impact on household food security among the studied farming community. Farm and household level data were obtained from 110 farmers consisting of 52 adopters and 58 non-adopters. The results indicated that availability of labour and increase in number of extension visits to the farm per year increased the probability of adoption. It was also apparent that increase in irrigated area within the farm household resulted in more food availability. In general increase in irrigated area exhibited the highest impact on household food security status while household size had the lowest impact. The study concluded that increasing the area cultivated under irrigation was likely to reduce household food insecurity in Bondo sub county and similar areas across the globe.

Okello Godfrey, Nguono Millycent , Ouma Evans, Ngode Lucas, Mulongo Leonard
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