Call for Papers : Volume 15, Issue 10, October 2024, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

The Full 9 Stepped Cycle Of Proton Conductance And The Formation Of Three Zones With Various Degree Of Disturbances Of Clockwise Normal Flow Of Electrons And Protons During Shortage Of Donators And Acceptors

By us revealed that during shortage of donators and acceptors have been formed basic three zones because of disturbing of the ATP – making reaction mediums as “Donators + membrane - redox potentials three - state line system + O2 + АDP + Pi + H+ + nH + membrane space = (ATP + heat energy) + H2O + nH + matrix + CO2”. • First zone, where the clockwise normal flow of electrons and protons with duration of 4-5 second of every cycle are remained normally after shortage of donators and acceptors. • Second border zone, where happened the temporarily stop of clockwise normal flow of electrons and protons after shortage of donators and acceptors with causing of anti – clockwise, antispiral-like evolutionary back steps from second evolution late time equation of flow of electrons and protons to early evolution first time equation with provocation of release of proton, electron from glucose by glycolysis, followed by transfer of proton, electron to NAD, formation of NADH and substrate phosphorylation related biosynthesis of ATP without participation of membrane redoxy potential 3 state system, oxygens, ATP synthase with formation of end product as pyruvate. • Third full necrosis zone, where happened the complete stop of clockwise normal flow of electrons and protons after shortage of donators and acceptors. From among these three zones, the border zone where happened the temporarily stop of clockwise normal flow of electrons and protons with antispiral - like evolutionary back steps from second evolution late time equation of flow of electrons and protons to early evolution first time equation with provocation of release of proton, electron from glucose by glycolysis are distinguished by this that which is easily subjected to protection of damage, prevention and pharmacotherapy after shortage of donators and acceptors.

Ambaga, M. and Tumen-Ulzii, A.
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