Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

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Gocken technology: enhancing health of haplic acrisols and Multiplication of taro in nigeria

The National Root Crops Research Institute (NRCRI), Umudike, Nigeria, developed Gocken Rapid Multiplication Technology (GRMT) as a solution to twin challenges of declining soil fertility and scarcity of taro (Colocasia esculenta (L) Schott) planting materials. This was demonstrated in a field experiment conducted on a Haplic Acrisol (FAO/UNESCO) correlated with dystric Typic Paleudult (USDA) at Umudike (5°241 to 5°301 N; 7°311N to 7°371 E), southeast agro-ecological zone of Nigeria, in 2008 and 2009 cropping seasons. The experiment was a split plot design with three replications. Main plot treatments were taro varieties: cv NCe 001 and NCe 003 and mulch (rice [Oritza sativa] mill waste, and wilted Panicum maximum at 4 t/ha + NPK 15 15 15 at 400 kg/ha respectively, and a control). Results showed that total yield ranged from 17.0 – 25.0 t/ha and seed harvest multiplication ratio (SHMR) ranged from 33 - 75. Post cropping soil analysis showed an improvement in soil pH (H20) by 16.7 – 18.9 %, organic matter by 66.7 – 84.1 %, total N by 66.7%, available P by 30.4 – 39.1 % and exchangeable K increased by 83.3 - 200 % on plots that received integrated plant nutrient relative to control plot. GRMT is therefore recommended as a new agronomic approach to enhance soil health and very rapid multiplication of taro.

Chukwu, G. O., Okoye, B. C., Onwubiko, O., Okonkwo, E.I., Okpechi, I. and C. O. Amadi
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