It was became clear that the flow - fate of all many protons, generated in mitochondria of 50-80 trillion cells (By us mitochondria flow of protons named as 1-7 stages of proton conductance) have been needed another special structures - another system to soak up the extra H+ activity generated as a result of process conducted in the 1-7 stages of proton conductance in order for true buffering to occur, that system consists of intracellular proteins, of which haemoglobin is the key player, concretely speaking, one of these are the erythrocyte membrane surroundings for packaging of protons and also Hydrochloric acid formation by Gastric parietal cells, also H+/Na antiport in the membrane transports H+ out of cell and Na ion in the level of “Peritubular capillary-Interstitial fluid-Tubule epithelial cells -Tubular fluid” with accompanying maintaining of serum and cell pH-7,4. This mechanism as the hydrogen ions are buffered by haemoglobin, meanwhile the bicarbonate ion is pumped out of the erythrocyte cells by active transport mechanisms by Chloride shift - the Hamburger phenomenon or lineas phenomenon have been occurred during Eighth stage, which have been functioned in the level of Pulmonary circuit, Respiring tissue characterized by oxygen uploading by bicarbonate / chloride ion shift mechanism, release of oxygen from HbO2 - under effect of exit of bicarbonate by bicarbonate / chloride ion shift mechanism, leading to increase of oxygen in a mitochondrial - 6-thstage.