Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Indigenous Medicinal Usage Of Family Asteraceae In Sadda Lower Kurram Agency: A Case Study

The ethno botany of the medicinal plants of Sadda Kurram is an important for understanding cultures and traditions of the area. The present study was aimed to document and perform quantitative evaluation of the medicinal plants used for different disorders in the study area. Medicinal plants were collected from different sites and its traditional use from herbal practitioners and native senior villagers was recorded. The fully dried specimens were then mounted on herbarium sheets. A set of voucher specimens were deposited to the Herbarium Hazara University, Mansehra, Pakistan (HUP). This study documents 20 medicinal plant species belonging to 18 genera and 20 species of family Asteraceae, most commonly used by the indigenous people. The botanical name, family name, part used, and the application of the plants have been provided in this paper. Leaves were the leading used part (10, 40%) followed by roots (4, 16%), flower 3 (12%).Stomach disorders were the most commonly treated ailments followed by diuretic and general body weakness. Highest used value was recorded for Seriphidiumkurramense (UVi)=0.97 and lowest for Sonchus asper and Lacunae nudicaulis (UVi)=0.50 respectively. Seriphidiumkurramense (RFCs=0.92) is most cited by the local people for ailments followed by cichoriumintybus (RFCs=0.77) and Artemisia absinthium (RFCs=0.74). The highest Consensus index (CI%=92.3) was recorded for Launaeanudicaulis followed by Conyzacanadensis (CI%=76.9) and Sonchusasper (CI%74.4) respectively. These plants communicate community of the study area from generation to generation through the cultural knowledge. So for its conservation, there is a dire need to document it and it is also recommended to evaluate the documented plants pharmacological efficacy.

Said Muhammad, Manzoor Hussain, Inayat Ur Rahman, Ghulam Mujtaba Shah Farhana Ijaz and Kifayat Ullah
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