Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

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Influence of phosphate sources to promote mercury accumulation and its distribution on the tropical aquatic plant, thypa latifolia

Many studie The influence of phosphate to promote mercury biosorptionand its distribution on Tropical Aquatic Plant, Typha latifolia was investigated by expose aquatic plant to water containing mercury ion (10 mg-Hg/L) for five weeks in pounds under controlled condition.Each ponds contained five stems of Typha latifolia and ammonium phosphate has been added at different concentrations (5; 10; and 15 mmoles PO4). Control media was also prepared that no phosphate added in the water phase. Shoots biomass samples from every pounds were taken for every fix treatment period and mercury concentration in the shoots were measured by using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer Shimadzu AA 630 under standard procedure after digested under Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure.Results showed that the presence of phosphate supported the growth of Typha latifolia, but its presence could not promote better mercury biosorption from water phase. When Typha latifolia was exposed to water containing mercury, the distribution of accumulated mercury were highest in the roots than in stems and leaves. Furthermore, the presence of both types of phosphate [KH2PO4 and (NH4)HPO4] also did not affect to the distribution of mercury ion in parts of plants.

Suhendrayatna, Muhammad Zaki and Erdiansyah Rahmi
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