Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Intelligent transport system for smart cities

The epidemic growth of wireless technology and mobile services in this era is creating a great crash on our life style. Some early efforts have been taken to utilize these technologies in surveillance. The purpose of this project is to built a intelligent transport system using LoRa, GPS, Movable sensor and cloud computing. Lo Ra is a advanced protocol used to transmit data to the cloud server .This technology will enable public or multi-tenant networks to connect a number of applications running on the same network. It can track buses in city by placing Lo Ra in the buses along with GPS, and speed sensor. The cloud server for the city receive the location information, and alerts the forth coming bus stops in the route of the bus, of the bus’ number, route and expected time of arrival, which are displayed in mobile application. This system thus describes is a cost effective and easy to implement for tracking buses in real time by using IOT.

Gayathri, T., Aarthy, S., Abirami, A., Ajmalkhan, A. and Monisha R.
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