Call for Papers : Volume 15, Issue 10, October 2024, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Length-weight relationship and condition factor of three commercial fishes from eastern libya mediterranean sea

Fresh samples of 15 Seriola dumerili (grade one fish), 15 Pagrus pagrus (second grade) and 15 Liza ramada (third grade) were collected randomly from the artisanal catch of Al-Hamama fishing area, eastern Libya, during summer (a total of 45 sample) and winter (a total of 45 sample) of 2015. Total Length (TL), Total Weight (TW) and Gutted Weight (GW) were measured for each fish to the nearest 0.1 cm and 0.1 g. Average total length of S. dumerili was 32.31 and 36.26 cm in summer and winter in order (corresponding weights: 968.31 and 1180.79 g), that of P. pagrus was 29.30 and 29.34 cm (329.09 and 322.13 g) and that of L. ramada was 26.12 and 15.75 cm (288.17 and 131.27 g). The Length-weight relationships in summer and winter were TW = 0.0385 TL 2.8552, n = 15, R² = 0.9638 and TW = 0.0029 TL 3.5575, n = 15, R² = 0.9181 in order for S. dumerili, TW = 0.0532 TL 2.5513, n=15, R² = 0.9793 and TW = 0.114 TL 2.3304, n=15, R² = 0.9729 for P. Pagrus and TW = 0.3712 TL 2.0169, n=15, R² = 0.9476 and TW = 0.2763 TL 2.1804, n=15, R² = 0.9539 for L. Ramada. L. Ramada had the highest condition factor (Table 2) in winter (KF 3.16, KC 2.79), followed by S. Dumerili in summer (KF 2.37, KC 2.03) and winter (KF 2.16, KC 1.93). P. Pagrus had the least condition factor in both seasons (summer: KF 1.20, KC 1.10, and winter KF 1.23, KC 1.17). Differences between summer and winter KF and KC values were not significant for S. Dumerili and P. Pagrus but were significant for L. Ramada. KF and KC values were significantly different between the three species except for P. Pagrus in winter and L. Ramada in summer.

Maree S. Abuajaila, Ramadan A. S. Ali, Sayed M. Ali and Abdalla N. Elawad
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