Call for Papers : Volume 15, Issue 10, October 2024, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Mixed convective passive venting in the building with different inlet and exit openings location on the heated and cold vertical side walls configurations

A numerical study is conducted to investigate mixed convective venting of a two-dimensional rectangular cavity with different located inlet and outlet openings on the heated and the cold side walls. The horizontal walls are assumed to be adiabatic. Fresh air is blown into the cavity from the different located inlets in the side walls of the cavity and is exited through the different outlets located in the vertical side walls. These configurations of mixed convective heat transfer have application in building saving energy systems, cooling of electronic circuit boards, and solar collectors, among others. The aim of this research is to optimize the relative locations of inlet and outlet in order to have most effective cooling in the core of the cavity by maximizing the heat-removal rate and reducing the overall temperature in the cavity. Three placement configurations of the inlets and outlets are examined for a range of Reynolds and Grashof numbers. For a given Reynolds number, the Grashof number is varied from 0, which represents pure forced convection, to 106, which implies a dominant buoyancy effect. Injection of the fresh air at the top and bottom of the heated and cold walls is studied and the results are presented in the form of isotherms, streamlines, velocity and local Nusselt number at the left heated wall. It is observed that maximum cooling effectiveness is achieved if the injections from the bottom and the top of the heated wall and exits from the bottom and the top of the cold wall where forced and natural convection aid each other.

Yawovi Nougbléga, Kodjo Kpode and Kokou N’wuitcha
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