Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Monitoring of land use/ land cover change using gis and remote sensing techniques: a case study of sagar river watershed, tributary of Wainganga river of madhya pradesh, India

Study area Sagar River Watershed is a located in Seoni district of Madhya Pradesh, India. The total geographical area of 427.89 sq. km. is covered by Sagar River Watershed. The area is bounded by 22o8’2” N to 22o22’37’ N latitude and 79o34’32” E to 79o56’29” E longitude. Result are drawn on status and extent of Changes in Sagar River Watershed, Land use / Land cover maps was prepared using remote sensing data. The Land use / Land Cover map was prepared using Landsat 5 (1989) and Landsat 8 (2017). The change of a particular area and land use/land cover categories into different categories. The prepared maps were overlaid using Arc GIS 10.2 to obtain change detection map. The final maps were prepared and area statistics was obtained using Arc GIS software. Overall increase in agriculture land in 71.15 sq. km. and built up area is also11.33sq. km. increase. Forest area is transformed in open scrub land and agriculture land.

Dr. Lokesh Shrivastava and Shashikant Nag
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