Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Morphometry, length-weight relationship, habitat and fishery of the striped seabream lithognathus mormyrus (linnaeus, 1758) from al-haneah fishing landing site, mediterranean sea, eastern Libya

Examination of monthly samples of L. Mormyrus (n = 224) obtained from Al Haneah fishing site, eastern Libya, Mediterranean Sea, showed that the fish was relatively small elongated, ovoid, compressed, with a narrow snout at the end of the head and 12 to 16 black transverse strips on its sides. The color was silvery grey. The Meristic formula was: D, X - XIII (mostly X) + 9 – 12 (mostly 11); A, II – III (mostly III) + 10 - 11 (mostly 10); P, 15-17; V, I + 5; LL, 59-65 (mostly 62 and 60); GR, 14-16 on lower branchial arch. The variations in numbers encountered in the meristic features were not related to fish length. The total length (L) of studied fish ranged between 11.5 cm and 23.4 cm., corresponding to observed weights (W) of 24.5gm and 160.8gm. The Length-Weight relationship was slightly positive allometric: W = 0.008L^3.2163, R2 = 0.9658, n = 224.The fish was very common in the study site (Al-Haneah) where it inhabited sandy bottoms. The supra littoral zone of the site was rocky. The intertidal zone was sandy but rocky underneath, and littered with small tidal pools during low tide. Patches of Posidonia oceanica stands were present within the upper sub littoral. The area was relatively clear from pollutants and biodiversity was high, in particular of algae, sea weeds and benthic animals. From the observation that the tidal pools housed many larval fish and juveniles it was concluded that the area is a nursery and feeding ground for many marine animals. The mean monthly catch of L mormyrus per fisher at Al-Haneah was 45.074 kg ± 39.2 (std). This amount constituted 28.696 % of the overall catch of all species which was estimated as 157.1 kg per month per fisher. The season of abundance of L. mormyrus in the catch was summer and that of scarcity was winter. The fishing gears in use were nets (gill and trammel), explosives and lines. Means of mobility during fishing were boats with engines, without boats (foot fishers) and boats without engines. L. mormyrus inhabited sandy bottoms. Sand dredging from coastal waters for construction purposes which had been practiced for many years had negatively affected abundance of this fish in the study site.

Sayed Mohamed Ali, Eyman Faraj Abd Alssalam, Ramadan A.S. Ali and Esam M.K. Rafi
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