Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

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Knowledge and awareness regarding breast cancer among the female students of selected P. U colleges

Breast cancer was considered to be one amongst the most commonly cancer disease in the world. Now it is considered to be the second cancer disease among women in India, with most of the affected population is in the urban areas. Breast cancer is seen mostly after the age of 40 years. Materials and Methods: The study was a descriptive study to evaluate effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge and awareness regarding breast cancer among 60 female students of selected P. U College, Belagavi City who were willing to participate in the study. After the consent, a questionnaire prepared by the investigator was given to them. Results: Majority 39.9% had poor knowledge regarding breast cancer and 23.3% samples were less aware regarding breast cancer. After the administration of planned teaching programme, the pre-test and post-test data analysis revealed that the mean post-test score (21.16±2.67) was higher than the mean pre test score (11.55±3.49) Conclusion: The study concluded that women have low knowledge and Awareness on breast cancer and very less population was aware of BSE (Breast Self Examination) which is one of the screening tests for breast cancer. Respondent’s low knowledge on breast cancer and unawareness of the screening test is the main reason for increase in number of cases. The study concluded that Planned Teaching Programme was effective for PUC female students to gain knowledge and awareness regarding breast cancer. As health care members, nurses play an important role in providing information and educating the community people.

Namrata Devulkar and Uma Kole
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