Call for Papers : Volume 15, Issue 10, October 2024, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Modified forms of natural zeolites– clinoptilolite and heulandite as an effective catalysts for synthesis of acetylsalicylic acid

The solvent-free o-esterification of salicylic acid (SA) with the acetic acid anhydride (AAA) in the acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) was studied over the modified clinoptilolite (CL) and heulandites: natural heulandite itself (HEU) and monomineral natural heulandite (HEU-M) of Dzegvi and Akhaltsikhe (Georgia) deposits, respectively; simultaneously decationized and dealuminated forms of catalysts were prepared by acid leaching of initial zeolites. It was demonstrated using the methods of gravimetric, UV- FTIR-spectral and HPLC analysis, also by catalysts acidity measurements the symbatic change of ASA yield in the amount of proton acid centers (AI-(OH)-Si) of catalysts: H-CL (Si /AI = 10.7)> H-HEU (Si /AI = 5.4) ≥ H-HEU-M (Si /AI = 4.1); yields of ASA on H-CL (Si / AI = 10.7) was about 92% and on heulandites – 75% at 80 °C; these solid acid catalysts were prepared from natural zeolites and therefore they are cheap, have high activity, are easy to prepare and reusable.

Tsiuri M. Ramishvili, Vladimer G. Tsitsishvili, Nino G. Kokiashvili, Vakhtang M. Gabunia and Natia M. Inanashvili
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