Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

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A study for similarities between Islamic practices vis-a-vis accounting practices

It is an attempt to study the indication, on macro level, Islam and Al Quran has given in relation to Accounting. If we study the pillars of Accounting practice and Islamic practice we will find that Islam has given clear indications which Accounting practices, only we have to view it in the right manner, if we analyze we find that both Islam and Accounting has five pillars. Accounting Practice from first pillar to last pillar follows the double entry system; the word double or TWO has got lot of importance in five pillars of Islam as well. Accounting always records financial transactions of the business organization in the form of Debit and Credit whether it records in Journal or Ledger and further in Trial Balance and Profit & Loss Account, accountant summarize the transaction in the form of Debit and Credit to conclude the result. When we study the indications Islam has given which matches with accounting, we find in Islamic pillars i.e. Shahada, Salaah, Saum (Ramadan), Zakat and Hajj also follow the two things in each pillars of Islam i.e. Shahada - We accept TWO things i.e. 1- There is no god but Allah, 2- Muhammad (PBUH) is his Messenger. Salaah - It is always divided in to TWO rakaats; one has to sit for Qa'dah after TWO rakaats, regardless of how many rakaats Salaah one is offering – two, three or four. Saum (Ramadan) – Besides regular prayers, TWO new prayers added in Saum (Ramadan) i.e. Fasting and Taravih. Zakat - To compute the obligation of Zakat one has to calculate TWO things i.e. the earning-expense of the year and savings of the year. Hajj - Hajji visits Makkah and Madina”

Dr. Ahmad Khalid Khan and Dr. Syed Mohammad Faisal
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