Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

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The Prediction Of Learning Achievements Assessed In The Management Of Department Regulation, Learning Climate And Interpersonal Communication

The aims of the study: This study aims to know whether or not the influence between the Management Studies Program (X1), a climate of learning (X2) and Interpersonal Communication (X3) to Science Faculty-student learning achievements Physical Manado State University (X4). The implementation of the research is divided into two stages, namely: the first stage of the test instrument, the second phase of the actual research. Method: The research method used in this research is the survey methods and techniques non-test. Results: Based on the analysis of the data There is a positive influence between the management studies program (X1) to learning achievement (X4) on Science Faculty-student Physical State University Manado. There is a positive influence directly between the management studies program (X1) to interpersonal communication (X3) on Science Faculty-student physical State University Manado. There is a positive influence directly on the climate of learning (X2) to learning achievement (X4) on Science Faculty-student physical State University Manado. There is a positive influence on climate change learn (X2) to interpersonal communication (X3) on Science Faculty-student Physical State University Manado. There is a positive influence directly on interpersonal communication (X3) to learning achievement (X4) on Science Faculty-student physical State University Manado. Thus the learning achievements can be enhanced through the improvement of student perception about the study program management, climate change learning, interpersonal communication.

Beatrix Jetje Podung
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Social Sciences and Humanities