Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

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Importance of adravya chikitsa in present era-a conceptual study

The aim of Ayurveda is to cure the ailments of the diseased and to prevent the ill health and to maintain the health of the healthy (Svastasya Svastya Rakshanam and Aturasya Vikara Prasamanam). Measures calculated for the elimination of diseases by Angabheda are to be studied under two headings viz-Dravya Bhuta and Adravya Bhuta Chikitsa. The former involves the utilization of dietic (Ahara) and medicines (Oushadha dravyas), whereas the latter includes the measures other than the use of Dravyas. In Adravya Bhuta Chikitsa mode of treatment is by Upayas or measures employed for both physical and psychiatric disorders. So another name of Adravya Chikitsa is Upaya Chikitsa which consists of no Murta dravyas. The measures act indirectly on Dosha-Dhatu-Malas, break the pathogenesis and maintains the health. According to Susruta, diseases are classified into three. Adhyatmikam,Adhi Bhoutikam and Adhi Daivikam. Adhi Daivika Vyadhis or Karmaja Vyadhis are caused due to Papa Karmas in the past and manifest without any specific cause.Daiva is Adrishta. So according to Doshas, it cannot be treated.The treatment for Karmaja Vyadhis is to do Satkarma and reduce the effect of Papakarma. Here treatment consists mainly of Adravyas. It acts indirectly. The physician tactfully incorporates the measures to create a well-balanced state of mind and body and bring about health.

Dr. Durga, E
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