Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Nano-Synthesis, Electrical And 3d-Afm Investigations Of Free- Fluoride High Performance -Mica- Clay

Advanced solid state / solution routes were applied to synthesize new family of free-fluoride synthetic clay for water remediation applications. The selected samples of synthetic free fluoride –Na-4-mica were having the general formula (Na4Mg6M4Si4O22.nH2O) where M = Al, Bi and Cr3+. Structural and micro-structural properties were monitoring by using both of XRD and SEM evaluating, grain size of the mica bulk was found to be in between 2.37- 3.43 μm which are lower than those reported in literatures. Electrical investigation proved that clay I & II exhibited semi-conducting behavior while insulating behavior with clay III that confirm the energy gap ∆Eg is maximum for chromium clay.

Khaled M. Elsabawy
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