Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

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The interplay of the college of home economics’ seven sub-disciplines and dzup in addressing key issues and concerns of human well-being

This qualitative study was done to assess the extent the College of Home Economics was able to achieve its objectives and create awareness among students on its various degree programs through DZUP’s Monday noontime radio program “Ekonomiyang Pantahanan. Specifically, it was conducted to describe the participation of the College of Home Economics in the DZUP’s noontime radio program; to assess the interplay of the seven sub-disciplines in creating an impact in addressing issues of the daily life of Filipino individuals, families, and communities through DZUP’s noontime radio program; to identify effective ways of realizing the objectives of the college in enhancing the quality of life of Filipinos; and to examine the effectiveness of the radio program as an alternative way to promote the College of Home Economics courses as fields of study for students in the undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate levels. Twenty-two faculty members from the seven sub-disciplines served as program guests and shared insights on various topics such as housing, family, elderly productivity, foods, waste management, consumer rights and responsibilities, resource management, and entrepreneurship. Live and taped episodes of the program were transcribed and translated from Filipino to English and the interplay of the different sub-disciplines through the sharing and discussions of the guests on their assigned topics was analyzed. The seven sub-disciplines, through the faculty members, showed a collaborative effort in addressing daily life issues and concerns of individuals, families, and communities. The program was successful in creating better awareness on the college’s various programs and services through the interplay and the recognition that was given to the program as finalist to the 33rd Catholic Mass Media Awards last October 19, 2011. The College of Home Economics should continue this collaborative effort so that more individuals, families, and communities will benefit from its various programs and services.

Ines Alcantara-de Guzman, PhD
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