Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Comparison Of Two Methods Of Tetramethylammonium Dosing In Fruit Maeruapseudopetalosa (Gilg And Benedict) Of Wolf

The population of poor agricultural yields areas have potentially very nutritional substitution food at their disposal. Among these sources, Maeruapseudopetalosas fruit (syn.Courboniavirgata) whose iron and potassium content highlighted allow the compensation of various nutritional deficiency. However, the fruit presents a toxicity that can be inhibited by lixiviation. The dosage method of this toxin, the tetramethylammonium (TMAH), is old and has been used earlier. This current scientific work suggests a new volumetric dosagemethod of the TMAH in Maeruapseudopetalosa fruit. Ripe Mareuapseudopetalosa fruit have been collected in two distinct vegetable areas, located in Kieneba and Koussane in the region of Tambacounda in Senegal. The dosage carried out on this fruit is essentially based on the volatility of ammonia derived from TMAH. Indeed, in highly alkaline environment, ammonia is distilled, then being dosed volumetrically. The results derived from operating conditions (aqueous extraction with a ratio of 1g/ml shaken for two hours at 25̊ C) have allowed in getting an average quantity of 5.69 ± 0.3 g of TMAH in 100 grams of seeds.

Mahamat Seid Ali, Nicolas Cyrille AYESSOU Mady CISSE and Mathieu GUEYE
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