Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Bioremediation organophosphate pesticides (malathion and profenofos) by selected indigenous bacteria in rawa pening lake waters, district Semarang, Indonesia

Bioremediation of pesticide Organophosphat (Profenofos and Malathion) and utilize Indigenous bacteria from Rawa Pening is an effort to restore the ecological balance of the water due to leaching of Profenofos and lathiMaon. In the process of Bioremediation bacteria required to elect and selected therefore required a screening process involves the isolation, identification and genetic information to get the bacteria have the ability best degradation. Screening is done by qualitative and quantitative experimental method in the laboratory. • Qualitative Test is done by observing the color change with Bromtymol Blue as an indicator changes color on solid zobell media enriched with Malathion and Profenofos). • Quantitative tests done by the method of Gas Chromatography and Mass Spektofotmetry Spectrofotometry (GC-MS). • Based on the selection of bacteria through qualitative and quantitative testing are the three best bacteria with code RPL-5, TRA-5 and RPL-1. Bacteria with the code TRA-5 has the best substrate degradation abilities of Profenofos and bacteria with code RPL-5 has the best degradation of the substrate ability of Malathion The next best in the bacterial synergistic test to get the best Consortium bacteria to be used in a test of degradation on a scale of application is limited to water and sediment Rawa Pening on maximum concentrations, as follows: • Bacterial Consortium with the code RPL-5 and RPL-1 has the best on substrate degradation ability test of water from Rawa Pening with the addition of concentrations of Malathion • Bacterial Consortium with the code RPL-5 and TRA-5 has the best on substrate degradation ability test of water from Rawa Pening with the addition of concentrations of Profenofos Identification of bacteria selected and most superior in Malathion degrades and Profenofos done in molecular biology shows the following results: • The maximum identity, similarity levels of bacteria RPL-1 are 87% and based on the analysis of the phylogenetic tree, the bacterial isolate RPL-1 had the closest kinship with Oceanobacillus iheyenis • The maximum identity, similarity levels of bacteria RPL-5 is 99% and based on the analysis of the phylogenetic tree, the bacterial isolate RPL-5 has the closest kinship with the bacteria Exiquobacterium profundum • The maximum identity, similarity levels of TRA-5 are 98% based on the phylogenetic tree analysis of bacterial isolates, TRA-5 has a very close kinship with Bacillus firmus

Isworo, S., Purwanto and Sabdono, A.
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