To examine the sustainability of the recovery of the body muscles during physical exertion, after application of a special kinesitherapeutic program in patients with chronic low back pain. The study included 110 patients diagnosed with chronic low back pain, divided equally into two treatment groups. The participants of the experimental group performed the recommended special exercises 3 times a week at home and those in the control group only followed the guidelines of the physician. Endurance exertion test was applied to all participants at the beginning the 12th month. In the experimental group at the end of monitoring there was established a satisfactory improvement of endurance of the body muscles during physical exertion, as a result of the applied special exercises. A worsening of the functional status was established in the participants of the control group at the end of observation, relating to the reduction of the body muscles strength during physical exertion. The kinesitherapeutic program of special exercises was applied in the experimental group with positive effect leading to reduction of complaints and improved endurance during physical exertion of the body muscles. The lack of such a program was associated with deterioration of the strength capabilities of the body muscles in subjects in the control group.