Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Influence of sky view factor on temperature variability in urban jimeta, Nigeria

Urban geometry has complex influence on the micro climate of the urban environment. The most important geometric effect is that of the sky view factor (SVF). This study has investigated the influence of Sky view factor on urban micro climate of the city of Jimeta, Nigeria. A total of 6 study sites were selected within the metropolis with theYola international airport’s meteorological station as the control station. Data on the land use and land cover (LULC) categorization, sky view factor, temperature and altitude were collected from these sites and analyzed using the appropriate methods. The data were obtained for two seasons and analyzed. Findings reveal that of the 6 sites, Ribadu square has the highest SVF value of 0.0919. This means that over 90% of its sky is open and unobstructed by either trees and/or buildings. The lowest record was obtained at Gwadabawa with a SVF of 0.75516, meaning that over 75% of the sky in Gwadabawa is devoid of obstruction by any object. The difference between the highest and lowest SVF in the area is 0.1634 revealing that there is no wide variation in the sky view factor within the study area. The mean value of SVF for the study area stands at 0.8752, which signifies that, generally speaking, about 87% of the sky in Jimeta metropolis is visible. This gives rise to a temperature variation of about 0.850C between the studied sites, with Nasarawo having the highest mean value of 28.50C and Ribadu square the least (27.650C) temperatures. Meanwhile, the control site has the mean value of 26.850C, which is not very far from the values within the city centre. This suggests therefore, that the effect of SVF is not well pronounced in the town, compared to results of other studies in Nigerian cities like Kano (Abdulhamid 2011) and Onitsha (Nduka 2010). A correlation test result between SVF and temperature reveals that there was a positive relationship between SVF and temperature in April and a negative in August in the study area. However, differences in temperatures, though not significant, from one study site to another for the different seasons and at different times were observed. The temperature characteristics revealed a significant spatio-temporal variation for the two seasons in the study area.

Ambrose A. Zemba and Emeje Daniel Peter
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