Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

The Efficacy Of A Phyto-Synthetic Drug Of Coccidia As Evidenced From Oocysts Counts And Histopathology

Cocccidiosisis a disease of economic importance in poultry industry causing morbidity and mortality and thereby leading to high annual economic loss to poultry farmers. In this study, graded concentrations of garlic powder (GP) was combined with some synthetic drugs and evaluated for their anticoccidial activities and the Histopathological effects of the various treatments in the caecum. Also, to know the concentration of garlic and amprolium that best mitigates the effects of the disease. Seventy day old broiler chickens were randomly assigned to seven groups of ten replicates (G1-G7). Groups 1 to 6 were orally inoculated with 6 x 103 sporulated oocysts of E. tenella on day 19 while Group 7 served as the negative control. G1 to G5 were treated with 12 mg GP +48 mg AMP, 24 mg GP + 48 mg AMP, 48 mg GP + 48 mg AMP, 48 mg AMP and 28 mg AMP + SUL respectively whereas G6 served as the positive control. The results of the seven days treatment showed the detrimental effects of E. tenella with respect to oocysts shedding and the positive effects of the tested drugs on birds. It also depicts the various degrees of damage to their intestines and the positive outcomes of the drugs. Feacal oocysts counts were significantly reduced in all the groups with the highest effect observed in G3 (48 mg GP + 48 mg AMP) and G5 (28 mg AMP + SUL). Histopathologically, the various levels of necrotic cells observed in the bird intestines also confirmed the level of damage caused by the parasite and the treatment effects of the drugs. G3 had the best intestinal architecture as compared with other treatments. In conclusion therefore, the best treatment was 48 mg of garlic powder in combination with 48 mg of amprolium which was comparable to the synergy of 28 mg of amprolium and sulphaquinoxaline.

Goselle, O.N., Adulugba, I. A., Ajayi, O.O., Lawam, S.B., Jwanse, R.I. and Ike, M.E.1
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