Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Physico-chemical and nutritional evaluation of wheat germ dosa:

Popular staple fermented south Indian traditional food, dosa contains 30-40% expensive Black Gram (BG) contributing as protein source also as bacterial carrier, remaining is rice. Wheat Germ (WG), though a low-cost industrial by-product but filled with high quality protein (33%), PER-3, PDCAS 0.9, oil 14-16% (ω-3/6.2, ω-6/55.7), antioxidants like Tocopherols, Glutathione, Polyphenols, non-starch Polysaccharides and Minerals was studied as alternate to BG in the preparation of Dosa. Trials were carried out by replacing 25, 50, 75 and 100% of BG by Unflaked, Undamaged, Stabilized and Debitterized WG (USDWG) for dosa preparation. Dosa of 100 % USDWG had improved nutritional attributes, texture, and desirable sweet, sour, spongy texture with higher sensorial score and acceptability. USDWG incorporated batter had higher fermentation rate due to superior WG protein quality and quantity, enabling sought after fermentation time reduction to almost half, co-relating batter pH (4.4). Higher in vitro starch digestibility and viscoamylograph values confirm superiority of developed dosa which can emerge as ideal vehicle to alleviate malnutrition being low cost staple south Indian food. USDWG possesses strong anticancer (Dimethoxy Benzoquinone) and several disease preventive properties as observed by authors, thus, developed tasty dosa is therapeutic and health improving traditional food, at a very affordable cost.

Hemavathi, K., Abhilash, H.S., AmudhaSenthil, Veeranna, H. and Sourav Kumar
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