Call for Papers : Volume 15, Issue 12, December 2024, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Effect of pyrolisis temperature and distillation on character of coconut shell liquid smoke

A research on effect of coconut shell pyrolisis temperature and liquid smoke distillation on character of resulted liquid smoke has been done. Objective of the research is to identify effect of coconut shell pyrolisis temperature and liquid smoke distillation on character of coconut shell liquid smoke distillate. Liquid smoke was obtained with pyrolisis using pyrolisis reactor on temperature range of 150 to 450oC. Liquid smoke purification was done by decantation, filtering and distillation at various temperatures: <100 (D-I), 100-120 (D-II), 121-140 (D-III), 141-160 (D-IV), 161-180 (D-V) and 181-200 (D-VI). Liquid smoke characteristic was done by determining physical and chemical characteristic such as density, bias index, pH, acid level and phenol level. The result indicated that temperature of coconut shell pyrolisis and liquid smoke distillation affect concentration and liquid smoke characteristic. Highest liquid smoke concentration was obtained in pyrolisis temperature of 150-200oC (6.07% (v/m)) and the lowest one (0.85% (v/m) at temperature of 351-4500C. highest tar concentration (1.03% (v/m) was obtained at 276-350oC, and the lowest (0.20% (v/m)) at 150-200oC. Charcoal concentration was 28.75% (m/m). Characteristic (pH, acid level and phenol level) of liquid smoke before and after purification process and distillation are various. Highest pH (6.2) was D-I, while the lowest (4.1) at D-VI. The highest acid level (58.40%) was at D-VI, while the lowest (1.86%) was at D-I. at D-I liquid smoke does not contain phenol, while the highest phenol content (3.85%) was in D-VI and the lowest was liquid smoke residue (1.93%).

Lombok, J. Z., Setiaji, B., Trisunaryanti, W. and Wijaya, K.
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