Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

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Optimizing the product mixings and machine processing time of a fast food restaurant using a linear programming model: case study of ostrich bakery

When it comes to staying on top of the fast food industry, food innovation is one of the most important elements (Fastfood Restaurant , 2002). We regularly see our favourite fast food brands competing for our attention by introducing new and increasingly more exciting menu options either as limited editions or as new regulars on their menus. They do this bearing in mind to minimize cost. A case study of Ostrich Bakery fast food restaurant is considered using Linear Programming models as a management tool. The Linear Programming models comprise of the Product Mixing model and Machine Processing time model. These models produce optimal solutions from the data based on the four major products and the related machines. This paper aims at using Linear Programming as a management tool to minimize the processing time of products in the Product mixing model and to utilize the production capacity of the machines in the Machine processing time model. Results show that the total sum of all the objective value contributions gives the Product mixing model value and the Machine processing time model value respectively. One of the main limitations of this study is the use of data from fast food restaurant branches of the Ostrich Bakery in Nigeria (Kaduna). The main contribution of the paper is to get the optimal solutions from the objective value contributions of the Product mixing model and the Machine processing time model in the Ostrich Bakery (Headquarters in Kaduna).

Oladejo M.O. and Agashua N. U.
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