Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Participatory adaptable varietal selection of faba bean (vicia faba l.) in wollo, Ethiopia

Most of farmers are using local variety which is low yielder and very susceptible for disease and low moisture stress in faba bean producing area of Wollo. The study was conducted in Wollo at Meket, Akesta and Kutaber on station and farmers site. The objective of the trial to recommend the best performing faba bean released variety in terms of high yielder and farmers’ preference. The design was RCBD with three replications by using seven nationally released varieties and local. The harvestable plot size was 4m x 1.6m(6.4m²) with four rows and one meter distance was maintained between replications at all locations. The spacing between plots, rows and plants was 1m, 40cm and 10cm, respectively. The trial executed as Mother (all the three replications are on one site) and Baby (only one replication on one site) trial form. Farmers evaluated and selected the varieties depending on their criteria's from the baby trial. The criteria’s were Pod setting, Earliness and free from any diseases. The analysis of variance showed significant difference (P<0.05) for number of pods per plant, hundred seed weight in gm., seed yield and biomass in kg per hectare. But number of seeds per pod has not statistically significant difference among the varieties. The result showed that variety Walki was the best yielder with seed yield 2337kg/ha, 2697kg/ha and 4430kg/ha at Meket, Akesta and Kutaber respectively followed by Hachalu (1975kg/ha, 2984kg/ha and 3882kg/ha). Variety Dosha and Gora were not good at Geregera and legambo but at Kutaber they scored better seed yield performance with 4342kg/ha and 3391kg/ha respectively. These two varieties also were very large seeded with hundred seed weight 78.1gm and 98.3gm.The yield advantage of Walki, Hachalu, Dosha and Gora over local variety was 86%, 64%, 69%, and 32% respectively. During farmers’ selection process both female and male farmers had been incorporated so as to avoid gender bias. Variety Dosha, Walki, and Gora were selected by farmers. According to the result for seed yield Walki and Hachalu were better performed at Meket and Akesta. Variety Dosha, Gora and Walki were well performed at Kutaber and selected by farmers in all the three locations. Variety Walki and Hachalu for Meket and Akesta but for Kutaber all the three farmers’ selected varieties (very large seeded) will be scale up for the next cropping season at the tested area and similar agro ecology.

Awol Mohammed, Seyum Assefe, Eyeberu Abere and Niguse Seyum
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