Background: Partial edentulous arches classification helps to identify possible combinations of teeth to edentulous ridges. Aim: To determine the prevalence and patern of partial edentulisim among a group of Kurdish population. Methodology: A cross sectional study to be conducted among 600 patients (339 males and 261 females) who visited piramerd dental center in sulaimani city seeking for RPD. Result: Kennedy’s class III in both dental arches was most dominant pattern at frequency of (53.2%) for maxilla and (44.7%) for mandible, Kennedy’s class I (9.4%) was least frequent in maxilla while Kennedy’s class IV (9.8%) was least common for mandible. Conclusion: Frequency of partial edentulisim is more common in mandibular arch than maxillary arch. Males found to be more prone for partial edentulism than females