Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

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Prevalence and pattern of sexual harassment as psychosocial hazards among workers at the university of port harcourt, Nigeria

Background: Work and work environment are important influences on both health and production. Psychosocial hazards, including work place sexual harassment, may be assuming a major place in occupational health and safety, especially in developing countries like Nigeria. Work place sexual harassment though appears latent, equally appears to receive little attention in workplaces. Aim: The study was to assess the prevalence and pattern of work place sexual harassment among Workers at the University of Port Harcourt. Methodology: Following approval from the Ethical Committee of the University of Port Harcourt, 600 consenting staffers of the University of Port Harcourt were recruited by systematic random sampling and pretested structured closed ended self administered questionnaires were distributed among respondents. Results were presented via descriptive and analytical methods. Results: Work place sexual harassment was common and unwanted sexual attention was the most prevalent work place sexual harassment with 6.1%, followed by Gender-based hostility (3.8%), A number of risk factors were identified in the study as being capable of making a worker vulnerable to workplace sexual harassment. They included work load (98.2%), home - work interface (82.0%), lack of possibilities to advance (70.1%), interpersonal relationship (64.0%) changes in working population (56%), work schedule (53%), lack of career development (58.7%), too high expectation or goals 46.2%, uncertainty of employment (20.1%), working alone or night work (21.7%), as the most prevalent risk factors perceived by the respondents. From the study, respondents identified periodic in-service training (PIT)(76.7%), as the most effective possible remedies among others that could be put in place by the University to tackle and reduce the prevalence and burden of psychosocial hazards in the University. Conclusion: Work place sexual harassment among workers at the University of Port Harcourt is common occasioned by preventable risk factors. There is need for the University to institute appropriate occupational health and safety measures to reduce the harmful occurrences of workplace sexual harassment in the institution in other to improve the working environment.

Nkporbu, A. K. and Douglas, K. E.
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