Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Prevalence of pulmonary tberculosis among ptb suspected patients visiting lumbini zonal hospital

Pulmonary tuberculosis is one of the most common communicable and continue to be a serious infectious disease in the world. Tuberculosis is still a major public health problem in developing countries like Nepal. A total of 400 sputum samples from 200 TB suspected patients were collected and tested using Z-N staining method. The study was carried out from March-September 2014 at DOTS Plus Clinic of Lumbini Zonal Hospital. Data were reported, structured and analyzed using SPSS 21 version. By screening 400 sputum samples from 200 TB suspected patients, 24 (12%) cases were found to be AFB positive. Prevalence of PTB in male and female was 14.50% and 7.25% respectively. Similarly, higher infection was found among the people of age group 41-50 years (16%). Prevalence of PTB was more among males than in females and people of age group 41-50 years showed higher infection.

Sita Paudel and Mahendra Maharjan
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