Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Purification and physicochemical characterization of the α-glucosidase of the digestive juice of the snail limicolria flammea (müller 1774)

In this study we are interested by the α-glucosidase, a protein biocatalyst from the digestive juice of a snail Limicolaria flammea which we purified by the chromatographic methods. Then the physico-chemical characteristics of this enzyme were determined. With a specific activity of the crude extract of 4.31 U/mg, purification have been done on Sephacryl S-200 HR gel then, specific activity has passed to 34.17 U/mg with purification factor of 7,93.With Anx-sepharose 4 fast flow gel, specific activity increased to 92.58U/mg with purification factor of 21.48 and 147 U/mg on phenyl-Sepharose CL 6B with purification factor of 34.11. The apparent molecular weights of the α-glucosidase purified on gel filtration (64,000 Da) and by electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gel (68,200 Da) were nearly identical. With a stability zone of pH between 4 and 7.5, the α-glucosidase had its maximum activity at pH 6.5. Optimum temperature of hydrolysis was obtained at 45°C and was stable at 37 to 40°C. The study of substrate specificity showed that para-nitrophenyl-α-D glucopyranoside and sucrose are hydrolyzed by the enzyme. It was inhibited by Cu2+, Ni2+, Hg2+ and activated by Mn2+. Ideal conditions for activity of this enzyme were known therefore it could be used to achieve synthesis.

Sea Tehi Bernard, Saki Suomion Justin, Koffi Kouame Mathias, Soro Yade Rene, Kra Kouassi Aboutous and Diopoh Korej
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