Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Quantitative and qualitative assessment of groundwater resources for domestic and irrigational uses in digapahandi block of Odisha, India

Digapahandi block of Ganjam district is a chronically drought prone and economically backward area of Odisha. Optimum utilization and efficient management of ground water resources in the block will boost agricultural production and improve socio-economic condition of the people. The systematic and logical evaluation of groundwater resources both quantitatively and qualitatively is essential for sustainable development and management of groundwater in this area. Quantitative evaluation indicates that the net annual utilizable ground water resource of the block is 4118.36 HM. The net ground water draft is 852.95 HM (Unit draft method, based on 100% well census). The ground water balance of the block as on December 2015 is 3265.41 HM, out of which 326.50HM can be utilized for domestic and drinking purposes and 2938.91HM for additional irrigation purpose. At present, the stage of ground water development is 20.71% and falls under safe category. Hence, there is a vast scope for ground water development through suitable abstraction structures for development of agrarian economy. A total additional area of 3672 hect. and 2203 hect. can be irrigated during kharif and Rabi season respectively by utilizing the balance ground water. Quantitative assessment study revealed that comparison of the hydro chemical parameters with that of ISI (1983) standards ensures the potability and other domestic utility of the ground water of the block except very few locations. With respect to sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR), Residual Sodium Carbonate (RSC), Total Dissolved Solid (TDS), Percent Sodium (%Na), Magnesium Hazard and Permeability Index (P.I), the ground water of both dug wells and bore wells falls within the good to excellent category for irrigation except very few cases.

Pramod Chandra Sahu
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